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    ACATS使符合条件的参与者能够高效、自动地进入, 审查, and settle the transfer of customer accounts between each other. The service 标准化 transfer procedures, reduces operating costs, and speeds transaction settlements.  ACATS enables the transfers of many different types of assets, 包括, but not limited to, 股票, corporate and municipal bonds, unit investment trusts, 共同基金, 选项, 年金, 和现金.

    When applicable, ACATS links with NSCC’s Fund/SERV system, which processes and settles mutual fund transactions, 当客户账户从一家公司转到另一家公司时,加快重新注册基金头寸, 当客户的共同基金资产在经纪交易商或银行和基金之间流动时. ACATS 标准化 mutual fund re-registration procedures, 减少营运成本和处理交易结算和重新登记已转移的资金头寸的时间.



  • Who Can Use the Service

    所有符合条件和合格的NSCC全面服务会员和直接转矩银行参与者都有资格使用ACATS. 北卡罗来纳共同基金服务会员有资格在有限的基础上使用这项服务, 仅作为经纪人、交易商或银行为直接向其或从其重新注册共同基金头寸而发起的转让的合约方.

  • 好处

    ACATS provides the following benefits:

    • 集中, 标准化, 自动化, 并加速客户账户在两个NSCC成员之间或NSCC成员与直接转矩银行参与者之间的转移.
    • 允许经纪商成员遵守FINRAvns6060威尼斯城官网客户账户转移的要求.
    • 支持多个处理周期,包括加速结算.
    • Accommodates various processing capabilities, 包括自动的cpu到cpu传输和安全的互联网通信.
    • Creates cost saving opportunities.

  • How the Service Works

    At a high level, 两个经纪商会员之间的标准客户账户转账将遵循以下步骤:

    • 接收会员将通过提交转账信息(TI)记录发起转账, also known as a TIF (Transfer Initiation Form) to ACATS. 
    • ACATS will assign a control number to the transfer, 并将产出分配给TIF中确定的接收成员和交付成员, 在ACATS系统中将请求的转帐置于“请求”状态. If ACATS rejects the transfer request (if information is missing, or the request was submitted in the wrong format, 例如), 只有发起转账的接收会员才会收到通知.
    • 交付会员必须在一个工作天内对输出作出回应, by either adding the assets that are subject to the transfer, or by rejecting the transfer.  If the deliverer does not respond, ACATS将在向FINRA分发的报告中添加与转移相关的信息  .
    • 交付成员添加受转让约束的资产后, 接收方和交付方成员均有机会审查账户中的资产清单.  ACATS转让将保持这种“审查”状态,这种状态可以持续到交付方增加资产当天的剩余时间,并持续到下一个工作日.  During this 审查 period, the delivering Member can add, 删除, or modify an asset or assets listed in the transfer.  If the deliverer takes any of these actions, ACATS将转让更新为“审查调整-交付方”状态,并增加一个额外的工作日供双方审查转让.
    • If the transfer contains 共同基金 or insurance assets, 接收会员必须提交适当的互惠基金及保险再注册指示.
    • Once the 审查 period is complete, 接收会员已添加任何适用的重新注册指示, ACATS will stage the transfer for settlement, and sets the account to “Settle Prep” status.  During this period, which lasts for one business day, the receiver and deliverer can no longer update the transfer. 

    此时此刻, ACATS将向交付方和接收方发出结算报告/文件,通知他们在转让中结算的资产.  ACATS还会将结算资产发送到其符合条件的结算接口, 比如中枢神经系统, 直接转矩, 或基金/服务.

    • 当转账结算时,在ACATS系统中设置为“结算关闭”状态.  If a broker-to-broker transfer includes non-中枢神经系统 eligible securities, 交付成员将被借记资产的市场价值,接收成员将被贷记资产的市场价值,通过澳门赌场的货币结算. 这些费用激励交付成员交付资产,并允许接收成员在ACATS结算日将客户记录在其账簿上, 使客户免受与结算过程相关的风险.

    When cash assets are transferred in a broker-to-broker transfer, 该金额将借记和贷记通过澳门赌场的货币结算, and netted with any applicable incentive charges described above.  当现金资产在ACATS转账中被转移时,其中一个交易对手是银行, 该资产通过直接转矩的安全支付令(SPO)收费进行结算.

  • For More Information

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  • 新闻

    See the latest news updates about ACATS service. 了解它如何使资产转移的程序自动化和标准化.

  • 法律

    下载有关提供客户帐户自动化服务的ACATS系统的法律资料. 了解更多.



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