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Equities 清算 服务

存's National Securities 清算 Corporation (NSCC) clears and settles virtually all broker-to-broker equity, corporate and municipal bond and unit investment trust (UIT) transactions in the U.S. 市场, advancing new initiatives and driving development of products and services that mitigate risk, reduce costs and enhance processing efficiencies for market participants.
存's National Securities 清算 Corporation (NSCC) clears and settles virtually all broker-to-broker equity, corporate and municipal bond and unit investment trust (UIT) transactions in the U.S. 市场, advancing new initiatives and driving development of products and services that mitigate risk, reduce costs and enhance processing efficiencies for market participants.

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Automated Customer Account Transfer Service (ACATS) is NSCC’s central processing system for the transfer of customer account assets.

阅读更多 vns6060威尼斯城官网ACATS

Bulk Transfer Initiative streamlines the mass transfer of large quantities of customer accounts and assets from a distressed broker to a more stable broker.

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中枢神经系统® System is NSCC’s core netting, allotting and fail-control engine.

阅读更多 对中枢神经系统®

Cost Basis Reporting Service (CBRS) helps financial firms and other market participants report cost basis information to investors and the federal government.

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Envelope 结算 Service (ESS/IESS) standardizes and controls physical delivery of securities.

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Securities Financing Transaction (SFT) 清算 Service are any transactions where securities are used to borrow cash or vice versa.

阅读更多 about SFT清算

Fully-Paid-for-Account is a special sub-account within NSCC’s 中枢神经系统 System that permits Members to use customer fully-paid-for positions to satisfy institutional deliveries in 直接转矩.

阅读更多 about 的 Fully-Paid-for-Account

Obligation Warehouse (OW) is a non-guaranteed, automated service that facilitates matching broker-to-broker ex-clearing trades and provides the ability to track, manage and resolve failed obligations in real-time.

阅读更多 about Obligation Warehouse

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