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As 存 prepares for the move to accelerated settlement, 股票类vnsr威尼斯城官网登入从两天延长至一天(简称“T+1”), modernizing technology, along with maintaining a robust control environment, remains top of mind.

“T+1确实是我们在存的IT部门所做的一切的缩影,以确保我们拥有现代化, 安全, 有弹性的, state-of-the-art systems. 存所做的令人难以置信的工作确实代表了整个行业的合作,” said 凯伦·达菲, Managing Director of IT SIFMU and Risk Delivery at 存.

Related: How ready are you for T+1?

存 Connection caught up with Duffy and 比哈尔卡米, 存 Managing Director, 国际旅游业伙伴关系, RDS and 数据服务 (IRD), 了解公司如何升级技术以应对过去加速的结算举措,以及存如何支持客户和vnsr威尼斯城官网登入行业实现具有里程碑意义的T+1转型.

DC: When settlement moved from T+3 to T+2 in 2017, 从技术的角度来看,公司如何为这种变化做好准备, and what are some of the lessons learned?

KD: From a client engagement perspective the preparation for the 2017 effort was very similar to those for the move to T+1; there was a lot of coordination and collaboration between 存, the industry and our clients every step of the way. 就其所从事的工作而言,每家公司的故事都是独一无二的, 他们的定制系统已经建立了一段时间,以及他们如何与存连接.

凯伦·达菲凯伦·达菲, 存董事总经理,IT SIFMU和风险交付

每家公司都在各自的旅程中发展与存对话的技术和系统, 以确保它们能够完全支持压缩的结算周期. From a holistic perspective, 我们做了很多工作,以确认我们可以作为行业参与者一起支持向T+2的转变. Testing and validating use cases, as well as testing continued connectivity to 存, 在确保组织健康和为实施日期做好准备方面是否至关重要.

然而, 自2017年以来,技术领域发生了重大变化, 我们的内部准备工作主要集中在确保我们在迈向T+1的过程中,在存拥有正确的自动化和可观察性能力.

比哈尔卡米比哈尔卡米, 存董事总经理,国际旅游业伙伴关系 RDS和数据服务(IRD)

BC: 虽然从T+3到T+2的转变和即将到来的T+1的转变之间有一些相似之处, from a broader industry perspective, 值得注意的是,这一变化更为重要,因为持续的结算加速需要更高水平的直通式处理和自动化. 像这样, 随着恢复窗口的收紧,所有公司都需要端到端评估其流程,并确定任何需要精简和自动化的流程.

As with the move to T+2, there is heightened focus end-to-end evaluation, scenario planning, 高度关注弹性以及需要全面的行业测试来评估和证明准备情况. 由于结算的性质需要几个客户和合作伙伴的互动点, 对行业测试和验证的关注是至关重要的.

Related Podcast: The Intersection of Technology & 国际旅游业伙伴关系

DC: With the go-live date of May 28, 2024 for the move to T+1, 在接下来的12个月里,vnsr威尼斯城官网登入公司应该关注哪些关键的技术改进和能力,以便为加速结算周期的转变做好最好的准备?

KD: 公司为行业测试工作做好准备是非常重要的——无论是在时间方面还是在充分利用测试系统准备就绪方面. 公司可以用存测试他们的接口,以确保及时和彻底的测试准备. Importantly, I would urge firms to focus on resilience.

当迁移到这个压缩的解决时间框架时,弹性是最重要的. Having the capability to respond, address, and remediate any issue in a system, as well as recover in a timely manner, is very important. 公司还应该了解结算截止时间如何与存相关的变化, 并确保他们能够改变他们的时间表来满足 new timeframes that we have published.

BC: 透彻分析了解法规和加速时机, 以及了解对结算流程和系统的影响, 是否有必要确定重点领域以支持加速结算周期. 因为处理异常或中断的恢复窗口减少了, 弹性和可恢复性仍应是重中之重.

Although the go-live for T+1 is May 2024, industry testing is scheduled for Q3 of this year, and thus the window of addressing gaps is condensed. Due to 存’s role in the industry, resiliency is a core capability and focus area, 一年多来,“T+1准备”一直是一个活跃的项目.

DC: 存如何利用新技术和自动化来支持向T+1的转变, while ensuring security and resiliency for clients?

KD: 我们在测试和预防控制中都内置了自动化. As detailed in our 2022 white paper, The Power of Technology Resilience, we take a resilience-first mindset at 存, 并将弹性原则和概念构建到我们的平台和应用程序的基础中. 我们有更多的功能来帮助我们的应用程序和平台更加安全. These include things such as: observability, 仪表盘, 广泛的准备评估,以确保我们能够在压缩的时间框架内支持和运作, and enhanced communication, giving us the ability to respond to any issues quickly.

自2017年以来,无论是行业还是存自身的技术格局,都发生了很大变化. The move to T+2 was very successful, 今天, 在弹性和安全性方面,我们拥有更丰富、更成熟的环境, which are key as we prepare to support T+1 settlement.

BC: Resiliency is a key, foundational capability for 存. Ensuring that our platforms can scale, 弹性和恢复是我们应用程序设计和体系结构的关键原则.

存 has strategically invested in both private and public cloud architecture patterns and technologies, while focusing heavily on network modernization, 自动化和可观察性提供持续的安全性和弹性. This focus goes beyond just technology, and extends to appropriate policies, 程序, 监控和警报,以确保我们准备充分支持我们的客户和行业在加速结算的行动.

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